Premium wall art for your business.

Transform your workspace with our curated collections of high-quality prints, from classic masterpieces through to modern minimalism.

Why choose Animato?

No minimum order

Mix & match whichever prints you like, with no MOQs

Up to 35% off retail

Exclusive bulk buy discounts, only for our trade customers

VAT invoices

Make accounting easy with automatic VAT invoicing

Priority support

Direct access to phone & email support from our team

Any style, any size, any space.

Whatever look you're going for in your space, we've got you covered, with thousands of professionally mastered designs available from A5 up to A1 size.

Framed, ready to hang.

Save time with our professional framing service when you order your pieces framed. Our solid wood frames look the part in your choice of black or natural finish.

Get in touch

To get set up as a trade customer on our site, send us an email using this form. Let us know the project (or future projects) you're working on and how we can help. We aim to get back to all trade account requests within 1 working day.