Bouquet of Flowers
This "Bouquet of Flowers" poster by Jan Van Huysum portrays a rich and vibrant still-life arrangement showcasing a variety of flowers in full bloom. Set against a dark background, the intricate details of each flower are highlighted, emphasizing the Renaissance artistry. Ideal for those appreciating classic botanical themes in art. This poster makes a sophisticated addition to any space.
We offer each of our professionally mastered designs in the following sizes:
A1 - 33.1 x 23.4 inches / 841 x 594 mm
A2 - 23.4 x 16.5 inches / 594 x 420 mm
A3 - 16.5 x 11.7 inches / 420 x 297 mm
A4 - 11.7 x 8.3 inches / 297 x 210 mm
A5 - 8.3 x 5.8 inches / 210 x 148 mm
A6 - 5.8 x 4.1 inches / 148 x 105 mm
All our products are printed and framed to order and will be shipped within 1 business day. Free standard delivery takes 3-5 working days, Express shipping is available and takes 1-2 days. Currently, we only offer shipping in the UK.
All prints are securely packed in either: reinforced envelopes, postal tubes, or padded in cardboard boxes ensuring print safety.
You have 30 calendar days to return an item from the date you received it. To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it.
About the artist
Jan van Huysum (1682–1749) was a Dutch Golden Age painter renowned for his exquisite still-life compositions, particularly those featuring flowers. His meticulously rendered floral arrangements often included a rich variety of blooms, fruits, and insects against dark backgrounds, showcasing his mastery of light and texture. Van Huysum's works were highly sought after by collectors across Europe, and he received commissions from royalty and nobility. His legacy as one of the greatest flower painters of the 18th century endures, with his works prized for their beauty and technical brilliance.
See more by Jan van Huysum